Stabilizing Your Well-Being – Managing Stress – Letting Yourself Relax
The relationship between psychotherapist and client is one of the most powerful components to any intervention, especially psychotherapy! At Wings of Change, we not only focus on your clinical condition, but the environmental, medical, emotional and social factors that contribute. In other words, clients are viewed through the lens of Ecological Systems Theory. Like a garden that requires good soil, fertilization, water, weeding and sunlight to become healthy and strong, our clients live in a social/emotional environment that contributes to their cognitive, emotional and behavioral presentations and perceptions. We’ll help you find a path to success by meeting you where you are, thereby tailoring your therapy to fit your unique needs. We utilize best practice, well researched interventions including: behavioral management, cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma focused, insight oriented, emotion focused couples therapy, qEEG guided neurofeedback, to name a few, to that path of success.
Lea has extensive experience working with children of all ages. They experience their growing world through family (or primary caregiver(s)), social and academic environments all the while developing their minds. At Wings of Change we understand the unique developmental perspectives that children view and navigate their path in this world. When difficulties arise, such as death, divorce, bullying and other traumatic events, we can help children put their world back into a healthy perspective to encourage self esteem, self determination and a feeling of empowerment. Lea employs a number of modalities to help children and their families including play and art therapy, non-medication interventions, and parent coaching. When children and their parents/primary caregiver(s) work together they become a stronger and happier family unit. Condition specialities include: ADHD, behavioral challenges, anxiety, depression, trauma, bullying.
“I have an 8 year old son who suffers from Social Anxiety Disorder. He was diagnosed at age 7 and was having some pretty severe issues in school. Michael would hide under his desk, cried often, would not eat in the cafeteria or play at recess... For the first time in three years, Michael began to enjoy school and being with other kids. He began to socialize and make friends... Neurofeedback has made life far less painful for him. I am so grateful for the results it has had on my son and I highly recommend it as a therapy for children with anxiety.
The teenage years are a time of self exploration, seeking “like minded” peer relationships and moving away from the ties of parents. It can be a very rewarding time, learning the skills to navigate independently, build critical thinking skills and make healthy choices for both body and mind. It can also be a difficult time for the teen and parent(s) if their paths lead them to negative choices. Lea has worked extensively with teens and their families to help them build a path to those healthier choices! Parents are included in the therapeutic process to gain better insight into their teen who is appreciative of being understood by their parents and other family members. Condition specialities include: anxiety, depression, ADHD, self injury and trauma.
“My daughter “Allison” is 14. She has suffered with anxiety for a majority of her childhood. It began with phobias and OCD disorder and has manifested into a generalized anxiety disorder. We began working with Lea Leonard and using Neuro feedback in combination with cognitive behaviour therapy...I am so thankful to have discovered this type of therapy and feel so very blessed to see my child thrive and grow as a result. ”
Adulthood can reveal challenges and or unresolved conditions, whether it’s something that we packed away during our childhood or teen years, a change in mood or perspective or dealing with a clinical condition such as depression, anxiety, bi-polar DO, trauma, etc… or a life changing event. At Wings of Change, Lea is here to help with an empathic ear and unconditional positive regard, as well as a good tool box of creative interventions to help you move on and be successful.
“A therapist I know recommended Lea Leonard to treat my panic attacks and anxiety. I’d previously tried medications without any luck and my condition worsened over time. After three or four sessions of neurofeedback I felt better and my anxiety began to lessen. My panic attacks were not as frequent and further apart. After seven treatments I felt almost back to normal! Now I can drive my car and go places with confidence. I have some moments of concern but they are alleviated quickly. Lea Leonard is a wonderful therapist and compassionate about her work. She wants her patients to recover to be the best they can be.”
Families can experience some unique challenges. Lea can help members stay connected through family therapy where members will be able to exchange thoughts and feelings in a safe and empathetic environment to find that path to harmony. Whether it is mediation between family members, helping members navigate a divorce or build a blended family, assist with discord between children/teens and their parents or siblings, or aging family members and decisions for the future.
“A friend recommended Lea to me. At the time I felt very vulnerable, scared and anxious. I needed someone to help my family through some difficult group issues, as well as issues that have plagued me since childhood... She gave us tools to learn to communicate – or learn anew I should say. She guided us towards the answers. She gave us new insights that we still talk about. I will always be grateful for her expertise and her care. I was embarrassed to admit that my family had problems – I just could not believe that we were ‘broken’ and I was so afraid that we couldn’t piece it together again. But with her help we did. I hope anyone reading this – whatever the problem or issue is, will also reach out to her.”
Becoming a couple and staying a couple are very different “states of being”. Lea enjoys working with couples from an emotion focused foundation in which couples can build that bridge to understanding the others’ perspective, thereby their intentions, motivations and needs. Together we can build that path to a successful union!
Aging, when someone coined the term “getting old is not for the faint hearted” they were speaking the truth - not only is it difficult physically, it is difficult cognitively and emotionally to face that journey. The aging population faces a unique challenge not faced yet in life. It’s a time of “life” reflection, regrets vs satisfaction; a time to ask “what can I do to give back”? At Wings of Change we value the aging process and the wisdom it brings! Lea can help with an empathetic ear, strategies to improve your quality of life and non-medication interventions that may sharpen your cognitive abilities, dampen anxiety and alleviate depression such as neurofeedback and stress management skills.
“I feel fortunate to have found Lea Leonard. She is trustworthy and always up front about what is going on and what she can do to help me. I’ve seen the benefits of neurofeedback and I trust the process.”